Wednesday 9 September 2015

5 surprising Fat Burners which Help in burning fat naturally!

Everyone wants to have a perfect body and figure but to have it a strict diet plan isn’t a correct way to get it. Because of this you may even exclude some of the vital mineral and vitamins which are necessary for your body. Here are some of the amazing super foods that help you in shedding pounds .  In order to attain a perfect body shape and to balance the entire vital nutrient your body needs to have mentioned super foods in your diet.


According researchers of Scrips Clinic in California you need to eat a half before each meal, this help you to lose weight, even you don’t change your diet plan. As the compound contained in the grapefruit help you to regulate insulin, hormones, fat storage. It is the well known food which helps to lower the insulin and even help you in losing weight.
If you want the perfect results then you need to peel and segment it and cut it into chunks and then add it to the spinach salad. It is goes great with sliced jicama, shrimp or peeled,

To lose weight with a perfect balance of nutrients you need to start taking the pears in your daily diet. According to studies it has been found that the women who eat three pears a day lost more weight than those who do not eat. It contains a rich source of fiber and help you to feel stay away from overeating.

According to dietary studies it has been found that those who eat the almonds daily in the six months lose 18% of their body fat. But on the other hand those who follow a diet with the equal amount of calories and protein replaced the almonds with some complex crabs such as wheat crackers who lost only 11% of their total body weight.
Thus it is better to have it at the snack time. Or you can even have it with oatmeal or yogurt by slicing it.


According to the research from Taiwan’s Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistr publication you can have Dark chocolate and other foods which contains high antioxidants as it helps to prevent the accumulation of fat cells in the body, it even reduces the risk of heart disease and obesity.
For effective results you need to melt a half-ounce of dark chocolate for 30 seconds and spread it on a half graham cracker. It is just 98 calories and it is very beneficial for balancing the over your body nutrients.

Navy beans

Navy beans contain rich in resistant starch this is why it is a powerful fat burner. Take One half-cup of beans and it gives you 10 grams of resistant starch. If you eat navy beans and other foods which are rich in starch in a single day then you can burn up to 25% of fat more than the normal.
It is the better to take Saute diced onion and garlic in olive oil and to it add two cans of drained navy beans to eat puree and serve it.

All these mentioned foods are the best fat burner and you need to keep eating it though you are following diet plans as it helps you in losing weight along with it helps to maintain a balance of nutrient in your body.

Monday 7 September 2015

How To Lose Weight Naturally

Nowadays people are very concerned about their weight. Being an overweight directly affects one’s self esteem and also it is dangerous for health. Extra body fat easily arises many health diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes etc. Obesity is referred to as overweight caused because of lack of exercise, boredom, lack of rest, anger, improper diet etc. these obesity is termed as a silent killer because of several diseases caused by this. Many people are trying.

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